35-year-old East Delhi-based model and actress and Ms Delhi Online participant Riyasha Kapoor got a rude shock on Monday morning, when she was checking her Facebook for messages. The spunky actress found another profile with her name that had posted some private and personal photographs and selfies on certain ‘not so good FB pages’. The theatre actress who has been acting for the last 15 has filed a complaint at a local police station on Tuesday, news portal IndiaNewsWire.com repor ted.
Speaking to IndiaNewsWire.com from Delhi, Riyasha said, “I was shocked to find some of my personal selfies on an adult page on Facebook. Nobody has access to my phone. I was really surprised to find them published on Facebook. For some time, I was completely shocked and did not know what to do. My family suggested that I lodge a police complaint, which we have done. The police are now looking into the matter,” Riyasha said.
Photo Credits: IndiaNewsWire.com